Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Symantect Backup Exec - Oracle Remote Agent configuration for linux server

Remote agent installation document 

Oracle  Agent Configuration


Symantec Backup Exec Remote Agent Utility
Choose one of the following options:
1. Configure database access
2. Configure Oracle instance information
3. Quit
Please enter your selection: 1

Configuring machine information
Choose one of the following options:
1. Add system credentials for Oracle operations
2. Edit system credentials used for Oracle operations
3. Remove system credentials used for Oracle operations
4. View system credentials used for Oracle operations
5. Quit
Please enter your selection: 1
Enter a user name that has local system credentials: oracle
Enter the password:
Re-enter password:
Validating credentials.......
Do you want to use the full computer name/IP address for Oracle operations? (Y/N):y
Enter the full computer name or IP address:
Do you want to use a custom port to connect to the media server during Oracle operations? (Y/N): n
Commit Oracle operation settings to the configuration file? (Y/N): y
SUCCESS: Successfully added the entry to the configuration file.

Configuring machine information
Choose one of the following options:
1. Add system credentials for Oracle operations
2. Edit system credentials used for Oracle operations
3. Remove system credentials used for Oracle operations
4. View system credentials used for Oracle operations
5. Quit
Please enter your selection: 4
Entry 1
ObjectName: DBAID
Port: 5633
Entry 2
ObjectName: Machine
HostUsername: oracle
Port: 5633

Symantec Backup Exec Remote Agent Utility
Choose one of the following options:
1. Configure database access
2. Configure Oracle instance information
3. Quit
Please enter your selection: 2

If this computer is a RAC node, you must perform additional steps for configuration before you continue. Refer to the readme for these additional steps.

Configuring the Oracle Agent
Choose one of the following options:
1. Add a new Oracle instance to protect
2. Edit an existing Oracle instance
3. Delete an existing Oracle instance
4. View Oracle instance entries that have been added in the Remote Agent Utility
5. Quit
Please enter your selection: 1
Select an Oracle instance to configure
Entry 1. dbname
Enter the number 0 to go back
Enter your selection: 1
Enter the Oracle database SYSDBA user name: sys
Enter the Oracle database SYSDBA password:
Re-enter password:
Validating credentials.......
Enter the media server name or IP address:
Do you use a recovery catalog? (Y/N):n
Do you want to use a customized job template? (Y/N): n
Commit Oracle operation settings to the configuration file? (Y/N): y
SUCCESS: Successfully added the entry to the configuration file.

Configuring the Oracle Agent
Choose one of the following options:
1. Add a new Oracle instance to protect
2. Edit an existing Oracle instance
3. Delete an existing Oracle instance
4. View Oracle instance entries that have been added in the Remote Agent Utility
5. Quit
Please enter your selection: 4
Entry 1
ObjectName: dbname
DatabaseLogin: sys
JobTemplate: Default

Now check your configuration from your media server .

Friday, October 7, 2011

Backup router configuration using TFTP Server

Download SolarWinds-TFTP-Server from solarwinds website

Install and Run the server
Change file backup location as per your requirement.

Now run backup from your router

Thursday, October 6, 2011

DC Log on using Terminal Service

Enable above mentioned policy to work with DC using Remote Desktop.